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Cambridge Museum of Technology – Lighting on Location: part1

New images for the Cambridge Museum of Technology. No specific brief for these images. The room used at the museum was full of old radios and television sets,  unfortunately none were working. The children had fun though despite the lack of interaction in the exhibits. I asked them to pose and they really got on with finding ways to look intersted. I used x2 Nikon SB800’s without modification placed on stands on camera right to provide side and backlight while filling shadows from window behind the exhibits. The use of off camera flash helped also to separate the subjects from the background. I also used 1 SB800 fired into the window side wall to help lift the ambient light. See lighting diagram below, handrawn! More example lighting set ups in Part 2

Children enjoying exhibits at Cambridge Museum of Technology
Children enjoying exhibits at Cambridge Museum of Technology
Children enjoying exhibits at Museum
Children enjoying exhibits at Museum
Lighting Setup diagram
Lighting Setup diagram
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