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Early Metrics CEO Corporate Portrait London

London corporate portraits recently taken for the corporate press and PR of Antoine Baschiera founder and CEO of Early Metrics.

Early Metrics are a unique ratings agency of start ups and SME’s measuring the developmental potential of start ups and SME’s. All the environmental portrait photographs were taken at Early Metrics London office and on the street using the surrounding London city buildings. All the setups were with a single light source, either bounced into a white diffused brolly or a large softbox using the Profoto B1.

Corporate portrait of executive in London
Antoine Baschiera
CEO – Early Metrics

Corporate portrait Antoine Baschiera
Early Metrics CEO Antoine Baschiera
Antoine Baschiera
CEO – Early Metrics
Antoine Baschiera CEO - Early Metrics
Antoine Baschiera
CEO – Early Metrics


More information about my Corporate Portrait photography

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1 thought on “Early Metrics CEO Corporate Portrait London”

  1. Pingback: Corporate Portrait Guide for Clients: Getting the Best Images - Alex Orrow Photography

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